Hello there!

I graduated Amherst College in 2018 with a double major in computer science and math.

I participated in Budapest Semesters in Mathematics (BSM), a math study abroad program in Budapest, Hungary; in the fall of 2017.

I was a Software Engineering Intern at Google this summer of 2017.

I participated in Aquincum Institute of Technology (AIT), a CS study abroad program in Budapest, Hungary; in the spring of 2017.

I was an Engineering Practicum intern at Google in the summer of 2016.

I was a member of the AC Computer Science Club.

I was a member of Hello Girl!, a club on campus that promotes female participation in STEM.

I was the president of the AC Argentine Tango Club. I coordinated and organized dance events for the students and the surrounding community.

I was a tutor for Girl's Inc.


Beach Vacation

A ray tracer program that renders a beach scence.

May 2017

This program uses ray tracing to build a pink beach paradise for all its lucky visitors.


A WebGL graphics game.

April 2017

Rescue! is WebGL game where the mission is to rescue three missing baby slowpokes and return them to their mom, all while an evil hot air balloon follows.

Significance Profile Extraction

A network analysis on various datasets.

April 2017

This program extracts and visualizes various triad motif significance profiles.


An Android budgeting app created at Hack@Smith. Won Best Mobile Hack.

Mar 2015

SplitTrip is a budgeting app that keeps track of the spending of a group. Within a group, it tracks how much money a member owes or has yet to receive, tracks the members specific to each transaction/transfer of money, and provides a description of each transaction.

Decoding Life

An educational DNA transcription game in Java.

Jan 2014 - May 2014

Decoding Life is an educational game that tests the user's knowledge of complementary base-pairings between DNA and mRNA. The user plays the RNA polymerase that reads a DNA strand and chooses the correct base (A, C, G, or U) to form a corresponding mRNA strand.


A room escape game in Java.

Nov 2014 - Dec 2014

Escape is a classic room escape game where the user must escape from a locked room, usually by solving a progression of puzzles.